You Said, We’re Doing

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You Said:
That you had upheld at all times the condition of your property, keeping it in clean and in good order as per your tenancy agreement.
We did:
During a recent walk around of one of our properties members of FHA noticed that a specific tenant’s flat was kept immaculate and that the tenant had took great pride in her home. Nothing was out of place and they could tell the tenant had spent a lot of time keeping the property to this standard. This property was the best kept property out of all those visited by far and so FHA sent the tenant a £20 high street voucher as a thank you for keeping the property to such a high standard and to recognise the hard work put in to upkeep the property.
You said:
FHA are required to maintain common areas in good repair and working order.
We’re doing:
FHA are completing stock condition surveys on all properties and are identifying an improvement plan for the upcoming years. At one particular property a kitchen was still in good functional condition however some drawer runners and knobs were worn and causing issues for tenants. FHA replaced the runners and doorknobs to bring the kitchen up to a useable standard.
You said:
You would like your care provider to paint a Kindness Tree on a wall in a communal area of your property.
We did:
FHA welcomed the idea and gave permission for the tree.