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Supported Housing

What is supported housing?

Supported housing provides our tenants across England with a place that they can call home. It helps adults with a wide variety of needs retain their independence within their local communities and provides a base from which local authorities can give care and support.

Our care partners

We ensure that care and support is provided to our tenants through service level contracts with Care Providers. Our care partners support our tenants to maintain their tenancies, pay their bills, improve their well-being, and learn to manage day-to-day activities more independently. The support received is in accordance with the individually assessed needs of each tenant. These partnerships are important for all parties, to ensure that the property is working well and that we remain focused on the best outcomes and service for tenants.

Types of Homes

“Home, for many is not about bricks and mortar, or immaculate surfaces. It is a feeling. Home is where our tenants feel understood and accepted.”

FHA offer two types of housing, self-contained and shared accommodation.

Self-contained accommodation has all its own facilities, this means that you have your own bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room.

Shared accommodation is where you share facilities, with other tenants, such as bathrooms, kitchen and living room, but have your own bedroom. Some of our shared accommodation comes with ensuite bedrooms, meaning you will have your own bathroom within your bedroom as well as shared facilities.

Our properties

FHA properties look to maximise the independence of our tenants and provide them with comfort, safety, independence, and support. Our properties are in safe, clean, residential neighbourhoods and are situated within proximity to transport links, shops, statutory services and other amenities.

Special adaptations

Any special adaptations to the property should be agreed with your support provider prior to moving in. FHA will signpost tenants and Care Providers to apply for funding for any adaptation’s required to enable you to live as independently as possible within your home.

Fill in our contact form if you, or a loved one are interested in independent or supported living.

Falcon Housing Association Durham

We accept referrals from prospective tenants, family members and local authorities. Applicants must have a housing and support need which can be met by moving to one of our properties. Please Contact Us if you have any questions regarding Falcon’s allocations policy and procedure.

Contact Us Today

EMAIL US: hello@falconha.org

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