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Tenant Satisfaction Measures

19th July 2023

What are the tenant satisfaction measures?

The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) introduced new tenant satisfaction measures (TSM’s) from 1 April 2023. The TSM’s support effective scrutiny by tenants of their landlord’s performance in managing their homes and neighbourhoods.

The TSMs are grouped around the following themes:

Overall satisfaction
Keeping properties in good repair
Maintaining Building Safety
Respectful and Helpful Engagement
Effective Handling of complaints
Responsible neighbourhood management

The measures split into two sections, management information and tenant perception. The landlords measure the management information. For example the percentage of gas and electric checks completed, the percentage of complaints resolved within time frame.

The other section is tenant perception of the landlord by tenants, which will be gathered through perception surveys.

Why are they introducing tenant satisfaction measures?

The TSMs stem from the ‘Charter for social housing residents: social housing white paper’. The paper outlines commitments to resident voice, relationships, accountability, quality, and complaints.

The measures help improve standards for people living in social housing, by:

  • Providing visibility, letting tenants see how well their landlord is doing. Therefore, enabling tenants to hold their landlords to account.
  • Giving the Regulator insight into which landlords might need in order to improve things for their tenants.

What do tenants need to do?

FHA will contact you via your preferred method of contact or at a customer engagement event. After that, we will ask you to answer questions about the property you live in and the service you receive from FHA.

What will Falcon Housing Association do in terms of tenant satisfaction measures?

The information will be gathered throughout 2023/24 and will be published on FHA’s website from April 2024 onwards.

Any questions?

If you have any questions please contact hello@falconha.org.

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