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5 Tips To Make Your Supported House Feel Like A Home

1st July 2023

Introduction to supported housing

Supported housing provides a safe and secure environment for individuals who may require assistance with daily living. It offers a supportive community that helps residents regain independence and lead fulfilling lives. While the primary focus of a supported house is to provide necessary care and support, it is equally important to create an environment that feels like a home. In this article, we will explore five tips to make your supported house feel like a home, fostering a sense of belonging and personal growth.

The importance of making a supported house feel like a home

Living in a supported house can be a significant transition for many individuals. It is crucial to create an environment that feels comfortable and welcoming to help residents adjust and settle in. When a supported house feels like a home, it enhances the overall well-being and quality of life for the residents. It promotes a sense of identity, safety, and belonging, which are essential for building confidence and self-esteem. A home-like environment also encourages residents to take ownership of their space and actively participate in their personal growth and development.

Tip 1: Personalize the space

Personalizing the living space is an effective way to make a supported house feel like home. Encourage residents to bring personal belongings, such as photographs, artwork, or sentimental objects, that hold special meaning to them. These items help create a familiar and comforting atmosphere that reflects their individuality. Additionally, allowing residents to arrange and decorate their personal space according to their preferences provides a sense of autonomy, promoting a feeling of ownership and control over their environment.

Creating a welcoming common area where residents can socialize and interact is equally important. This space can be adorned with comfortable furniture, soft lighting, and communal activities to encourage social engagement and a sense of community.

Tip 2: Create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere

A comfortable and welcoming atmosphere is essential in making a supported house feel like home. Focus on providing cozy and functional furnishings that prioritize comfort and convenience. Invest in comfortable beds, ergonomic chairs, and practical storage solutions to ensure residents feel at ease in their living space.

Consider the overall ambiance and sensory experience of the house. Soft lighting, pleasant aromas, and soothing background music can greatly contribute to creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Natural elements, such as plants or flowers, can also add a touch of nature and tranquility to the environment.

Tip 3: Encourage self-expression and individuality

Supporting self-expression and individuality is key to cultivating a sense of home in a supported house. Encourage residents to engage in activities or hobbies they enjoy and provide resources and materials to pursue their interests. This could include art supplies, musical instruments, or books and magazines. By creating opportunities for self-expression, residents can showcase their talents, creativity, and unique perspectives, fostering a sense of identity and accomplishment.

Organizing regular events or workshops where residents can share their skills or knowledge with each other is also beneficial. This not only encourages social interaction but also celebrates the individual strengths and abilities within the community.

Tip 4: Foster a sense of community and belonging

Creating a sense of community and belonging is crucial to making a supported house feel like home. Encourage residents to participate in group activities and social events within the house. This could include communal meals, game nights, or group outings. By fostering a sense of camaraderie and friendship, residents can build meaningful connections with their housemates, creating a supportive and inclusive community.

Implementing regular house meetings or forums where residents can voice their opinions, concerns, and suggestions is also essential. This promotes a sense of ownership and involvement in the decision-making process, further enhancing the feeling of belonging within the supported house.

Tip 5: Provide opportunities for personal growth and development

A supported house should be a place where residents can grow and develop as individuals. Offer opportunities for personal growth through educational programs, skill-building workshops, or access to resources that promote learning. This could include computer classes, vocational training, or counseling services. By providing avenues for personal development, residents can gain new skills, boost their self-confidence, and work towards achieving their goals, creating a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

How Falcon Housing supports residents in making their supported house feel like a home

Falcon Housing understands the importance of creating a home-like environment for its residents. With a focus on personalized care and support, Falcon Housing ensures that each individual feels valued and respected. By following the tips mentioned above, Falcon Housing promotes a sense of belonging, personal growth, and community within its supported houses. Residents are encouraged to personalize their living spaces, enjoy a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere, express themselves, build connections with fellow residents, and take advantage of opportunities for personal development.

Benefits of living in a supported home

Living in a supported home offers numerous benefits for individuals who require assistance with daily living. It provides a safe and secure environment where residents can receive the care and support they need while also enjoying a sense of independence and autonomy. By making a supported house feel like a home, residents experience improved well-being, enhanced self-esteem, and a greater sense of belonging. The supportive community within a supported home fosters social connections, personal growth, and a higher quality of life.


In conclusion, making a supported house feel like a home is essential for promoting the well-being and happiness of its residents. By personalizing the space, creating a comfortable atmosphere, encouraging self-expression, fostering a sense of community, and providing opportunities for personal growth, individuals in supported housing can truly feel a sense of belonging and ownership. Falcon Housing recognizes the importance of these factors and works diligently to create a home-like environment for its residents. By following these tips and embracing the supportive community within a supported house, residents can truly make their house a home.

If you or a loved one are looking for a supported housing option that prioritizes creating a home-like environment, contact Falcon Housing today. Our dedicated team is committed to providing personalized care and support to help you or your loved one feel at home.

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