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Transitioning To Supported Living

19th May 2020

If you’re moving to independent living, we can help. In this post, we’ll talk through specific ways we can support you, ensuring that your move to supported living goes as smoothly as possible.

Getting to grips with your move to supported living

First of all, it’s important to recognise that a move to learning disability-supported housing can be as stressful as it can be exciting. One of the reasons behind that is because it can feel like an uncertain time. So, we try to combat this as much as possible by informing you about what’s involved in the process at each stage, as well as giving you a key contact to help with the transition. We also carry out an assessment to ensure we fully understand your needs and expectations. Together, these things help take a lot of the guesswork and stress out of the supported living process.

Freedom of choice

Here at FHA, we believe everyone has the right to choose where they live, how they are supported (and by whom) and who they live with, as well as the friends and relationships they choose along the way. More importantly, we want you to feel healthy, safe and happy. We can put together a full package of both housing and care needs to ensure you have all the help and tools you need to live comfortably and happily.

Creating a home

Wherever and however you choose to live, it’s important to have your accommodation look and feel like a proper home, and have contacts and services in place should something go wrong, like our repairs and maintenance team. Independent living means having somewhere to call your own, and can also help you find your place in the community too, growing friendships and opportunities for socialising.

Living your way

There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach to supported living. This means we can tailor your housing and care to your exact needs, offering you the independence you deserve. Whether you want your own property with occasional visits from carers, or a live-in carer to help support you in the day-to-day, we can help provide exactly what you’re looking for.

So many advantages

When it comes to learning disability supported housing, there’s lots to love. Firstly, you’ll have greater security in your tenancy, and can make changes to suit you as and when necessary – from moving home to changing who provides your support. You also have rights to the benefits such as income support, housing benefits and disability living allowance.

Improving your supported living experience

While we’re confident we know what’s involved with the move to learning disability supported housing, we recognise that every individual is unique and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. We constantly work to improve our service and train our staff to the highest possible standards, investing in new opportunities where appropriate.

Contact our supported living team today

To get in touch with our team, based in Durham, visit our contact page, call us on 0191 260 0551, or email us at info@falconha.org. We’re excited to start the first steps on your journey to independent living and look forward to hearing from you

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